The Missinipi Broadcasting Corporation published the following article on the 10th of December 2018: Clean up and decommissioning of Northern Saskatchewan legacy mining sites continues.
These mine sites surrounded Uranium City on the North Shore of Lake Athabasca. It is a beautiful area. I worked with people who live in that area. One gentleman told me that people pay good money to spend time outdoors while exploring, hiking, boating, snowmobiling, fishing, hunting…. He got to do that for free, why would he move if he didn’t have to?
The country around Uranium City: Camsell Portage, Beaverlodge Lake, Lake Athabasca, the Fond du Lac River … beautiful country. North of these areas is rugged topography. On the South shore of Lake Athabasca lies the Athabasca Sand Dunes which I would like to visit.